141by Chiundu, Diana“…The data was analysed using thematic content analysis. On experiences, five themes emerged: being involved in the care of their children, receiving support and guidance from nurses when providing care to their sick children, negative experience regarding attitudes of nurses and other health workers while caring for their children, feelings of lack of trust on the nurses and other health workers and feelings of anxiety. …”
Published 2021
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142by Fernando, Elizabeth“…Out of the 30 subjects 33% (n=10) reported to have performed testicular self examination at some point in their life while 66.6% (n=20) had never performed it. Of the 33.3 %( n—10) who performed only 30% (n—3) mentioned the recommended time which is once a month. …”
Published 2022
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143by Jere, Mirriam Lisa A.“…The study drew a sample of five hundred and twenty - nine participants (529). …”
Published 2022
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144by Chithambo, Taoloka Emmaculate Shyreen“…The findings indicated that diabetic clients have little knowledge in what diabetes is and its complex management however they comply to what they know and what is available in relation to their economic status i.e. drugs and some food. Health workers mostly emphasizes on nutrition only on health education leaving side other parts of the management which in turn makes clients to be less knowledgeable in complex diabetes management. …”
Published 2022
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145by Ngonda, Frank Billy Beston“…In HPTLC analysis, DPPH active spots showed pale-yellow coloured spots for the 4 plants understudy while the phenolic active blue colour spots were observed to be more visible on R. acuminatissinia and E. milanjiana. …”
Published 2022
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146by Kaunga Kalua, Beatrice“…As clinical teachers, registered nurse midwives play a crucial role in the development of the nursing students professionally. …”
Published 2021
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147by Mwakhwawa, Queen“…Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a major public health concern as it is on the rise in developing countries. However, there is limited regional and national data specifically in adolescents to help drive interventions against MetS. …”
Published 2021
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148by Osaio-Kamara, Brima“…In Malawi, where stock-outs are common and consistent access to short-term contraceptives is poor, long-term reversible methods like Jadelle offer an important option for men and women who want to delay, space or end their child-bearing years. …”
Published 2021
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149by Sabola, Edison Wakale“…The plight of the deaf patients in accessing the health care services has been a problem especially in the developing countries where proper structures and training of the health personnel on issues of communicating with the deaf patients is still a major challenge. Like any person who is able to hear properly, deaf clients have been experiencing communication problems and isolation by health care workers, as most of them find it difficult to obtain data from patients, as well as giving advice on how to use things like medication. …”
Published 2022
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150by Bilesi, Rosemary“…Malawi like many countries in the Sub-Saharan Africa is burdened by chronic and terminal illnesses including AIDS. …”
Published 2021
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151by Malawi Government: Ministry of Health“…The MGDS II is, in essence, a conduit through which GoM advocates her commitment towards achieving the MDGs. While the MDGs 4, 5 and 6 directly relate to human health that require national governments to make efforts in realizing them, the MGDS II has equally isolated health sector as one of the key social development sub-theme requiring the attention of the Government. …”
Published 2021
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152by Ngwira, Thom George“…Adolescents growing up with HIV need age appropriate services that are comprehensive as to assist them with the challenges they face as they grow up with HIV in order to improve their quality of life. The need for adolescents to access services under one roof ensures that adolescents living with HIV can have an easy access to both HIV and SRH services rather than HIV treatment and care alone.…”
Published 2021
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153by Nyasulu, Thokozani“…Demographic data was analysed using a descriptive method and has been presented in pie charts, graphs and tables. All this was done in order to reduce, organize, and give meaning to data. …”
Published 2022
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154by Ndawala, Maria Bakhita“…Tuberculosis claims the lives of roughly 1.7 million people per year world wide. …”
Published 2022
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155by Chimenya Gowero, Netsayi“…Parental involvement in neonatal pain management is an area that is receiving attention under neonatal pain care worldwide because parents can provide non-pharmacological pain management interventions (NPPMI) like therapeutic touch, kangaroo mother care, breast milk, containment or swaddling when their babies undergo painful procedures (Kyololo and Marete, 2014; Golianu et al., 2007). …”
Published 2021
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156by Malawi Government“…Government of Malawi recognizes the importance of palliative care to improve the quality of life and symptom burden for all patients and families affected by life threatening illnesses including cancer. …”
Published 2021
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Plan or blueprint -
157by Malawi Government: Ministry of Health“…The 4th edition MSTG provides prescribers and dispensers with the currently recommended treatment as well as preventative schedules for most common disease states found in the country. I would like to thank all those who took time to review the previous edition. …”
Published 2021
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158by Masanda, Anna Sylvia“…Malawi should consider having a live database that should be updated from time to time that will help targeted interventions…”
Published 2021
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159by Lifa-Udedi, Evelyn Zione“…A majority of participants were male at 79%, while 64% of the participants were within the young and productive age. 57%, had more than 10 years of experience working in government at senior level management while 71% of the participants had graduate level training. …”
Published 2022
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160by Malawi Government: Ministry of Health“…It is against this background that the Government of Malawi, just like other SADC member states, has embarked on a Regional TB in Mining Project (five years project), which will involve three main components namely: 1) prevention, detection and treatment of TB; 2) disease surveillance; and 3) learning knowledge and innovation. …”
Published 2021
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